About Us
We are a customer focused service whose main aim is to support school leaders, Chairs of Governors, School Business Managers, Diocesan representatives, MAC’s and MAT’s in all building related issues.
It is our priority to obtain best value for schools available funding, for the purpose of providing safe, warm, dry and inspiring learning environments for their pupils and community.
We will always ensure that our advice is professional and will not advise any course of action that could put individuals at risk of criticism for non-compliance with statutory or local regulations and requirements. As a result of this, we will provide advice consistent with the Finance and Contract Rules / Standing Orders (or equivalent) that apply to your establishment.
We will provide advice and support, through our Full Facilities Management / Property Offer (only) to ensure individual schools or multi-academy trusts etc can instigate statutory compliance testing etc in accordance with your requirements.
Unlike other property consultants, we are completely independent of any contractors and, as such, can act solely on your behalf in a professional manner.
We are happy to work with local contractors and suppliers who may have provided good service to schools in the past. Of course, this is subject to them having the appropriate registration with Constructionline, approval from CHAS and, where necessary, be approved Principal Contractors for compliance with the CDM Regulations 2015 and have appropriate levels of insurance.
We will ensure compliance with the CDM Regulations 2015 and are supported by our own retained Health & Safety Consultants who, in addition to support with the CDM Regulations 2015, support us with a training programme for our employees, the development of our Health & Safety documentation and general construction related Health & Safety matters.
We only use sub-consultants, including Structural Engineers and Mechanical & Electrical Engineers when schemes require this service, as this ensures the quality is consistent and schemes are not adversely impacted by these appointments.
Our business is all about supporting, protecting and looking after our client base. In addition, we believe that word of mouth and personal recommendation is the best form of advertising and increasing our client base.
We are always keen to work with new clients but we do not take on schemes or other work that we feel that we cannot deliver effectively.
We are confident that we are the right choice for schools, academies, MAC’s, MAT’s and Diocesan Boards of Education and would welcome the opportunity to talk to new clients to see if our ways of working are combatable with a schools vision of their requirements.
If you would like to find our more about how we can help your school, please complete the form on the ‘contact us’ section of the website, or alternatively please call us on 01902 539888 and we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you for visiting our website
Best Wishes
Denis O’Rourke – Managing Director